Angara wants pandemics, epidemics and health emergencies included in primary and secondary education

Posted on: Sun, 07/19/2020 - 11:35 By: admin

Senator Sonny Angara is pushing for the inclusion of pandemics, epidemics and other health emergencies in the subjects for primary and secondary schools in the country.

Angara noted that the experience of the Philippines with the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly on the behavior of many Filipinos in spite of the dangers on their health, leaves a lot to be desired.

Angara: Whole of government approach needed to prepare the country for the new normal

Posted on: Thu, 07/02/2020 - 12:59 By: admin

With a lot of businesses now shifting to the online and digital platforms under the new normal, Senator Sonny Angara called on the different agencies of government to work together in preparing the Filipino workforce for the skills needed to secure these jobs.

A strong advocate of digital skills development for Filipinos, Angara said the global economy is rapidly changing and as a result, a lot of the traditional jobs are disappearing and new jobs are emerging that require, at the very least, some basic technological know-how.

Angara wants more mega quarantine facilities in Cebu City

Posted on: Tue, 06/30/2020 - 15:09 By: admin

Senator Sonny Angara called for the establishment of more mega quarantine facilities in Region 7, especially in Cebu as the number of cases continue to rise in the various provinces in Central Visayas.

As of June 28, 2020, Region 7 has breached the 8,000 mark on the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, with Cebu City accounting for 4,962 of these.

A total of 252 COVID-19 deaths have also been recorded, with 157 of these from Cebu City.

Angara seeks a review of the process for PWD Card issuance  

Posted on: Thu, 06/25/2020 - 12:17 By: admin

Alarmed by reports of a growing number of individuals abusing the discounts granted to persons with disabilities (PWD) under the law, Senator Sonny Angara is calling for an inquiry into the proliferation of “fake” PWD identification cards.

As one of the authors and sponsor of Republic Act 10754 or the law expanding the benefits and privileges of PWDs, Angara said there is a need to review the process for the issuance of the PWD ID cards now that there seems to be a growing number of people who have acquired these cards through fraudulent means.

Angara: Providing low-interest loans for retrenched OFWs is part of OWWA’s mandate

Posted on: Thu, 06/25/2020 - 12:15 By: admin

To help the overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who were repatriated after losing their jobs abroad, Senator Sonny Angara reminded the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) to fulfill its mandate of providing them with low-interest loans, which they can use to setting up their lives again here in the country.

Angara calls for more government support for MSMEs to go online

Posted on: Sun, 06/21/2020 - 09:40 By: admin

Senator Sonny Angara called on the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to step up its efforts to provide assistance to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in finding markets to sell their wares during this COVID-19 pandemic.

As a result of the community quarantines imposed across the country, many MSMEs, including those from the indigenous communities are having a difficult time selling their products because the movement of people, as well as access to traditional markets, is restricted.

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